40+ Moms on Twitter Who Made Us Laugh Harder Than We Ever Should Have in 2021
One of the hardest jobs in the world is to be a parent. Adjusting your life from being a solo human to having to care for someone else can lead to some very interesting situations. But, it’s well worth it when your little ones say things that make you laugh with tears. It’s even better when you share it with the rest of the world. Here are some moms that took to Twitter with things their kids said or did that absolutely made us smile even during the hectic year that we’ve just had!
Chatty Cathy
The love for silence comes with time for most people. Typically kids like to tell stories and embellish, and this could take quite a bit of time. So, when dealing with a small child, you might have to get super used to long strings of sentences.

Chatty Cathy
After a long day at work, you like to come home and chit-chat so don't expect anything different from your kid. Just know that patience is a virtue.
There are a lot of popular songs out there that have adult language in them that aren't really appropriate for children. That's why things like Kidzbop came about so that your kids can enjoy the same music you listen to on a regular basis.

This kid learned the song from listening to it with his parents and now he's mad that the lyrics aren't right in the Kidzbop version. Though he definitely needs to be told not to say that word, it's kind of cute that he was mad it had been censored.
On the Menu
We all have those words that are super hard to pronounce. This is especially true if it's dealing with a foreign language so why be surprised when a kid pronounces something the wrong way? Sometimes, it's actually pretty cute!

On the Menu
This waiter deserves an award for not cracking up, though. We don't think we would have had that much restraint. Either we busted out laughing or had to help correct the poor child, otherwise, it would have been a long ordering process.
Simple Explanations
Kids are very inquisitive. They want to know how everything works, from why trees grow to how they came about. These sometimes can be pretty awkward conversations but, then again, they can be pretty hilarious as well.

Simple Explanations
We think this poor kid is gonna be traumatized for a little while after hearing his mom answer his question. Eventually, though, he'll figure it out. For now, it definitely gave us a good chuckle.
Some people out there just have a superstitious spirit. This means they often have little things that they do to ensure they have a lucky day. This isn't something that happens only to older people — this teen is a perfect example.

But, it definitely does seem strange to us that this mother seems to be speaking in a very sarcastic way about something her boy does all the time. Though, maybe she's just simply saying if he does it again, she might go crazy!
Started the Day Off Wrong
Kids can be oddly peculiar and particular about certain things. So, you have to be cautious when you're doing something you do every day because they may expect it done a certain way. Still, it's pretty amusing to watch them have a meltdown about something as simple as how they want their pancakes cut.

Started the Day Off Wrong
We can't even imagine how this woman apologized when she didn't even realize that she had done something wrong. Maybe she just should have switched the place of pancakes, the person could have solved the whole problem.
Spitting Rhymes
It's inevitable that in school, kids are going to run into other children that they have a problem with — especially in grade school because they're all forming their own personalities. You, of course, want them to be able to work out their problems in a constructive manner.

Spitting Rhymes
We think this girl's got a pretty constructive answer to having a problem with the boy at school. After all, what doesn't a rap battle solve?!
Can’t Get Passed the Level
There are many metaphors you can use for life. A lot of people nowadays tend to gravitate towards something they know, like video games. It seems that this is what the mom here is doing, and she's having a problem with that third level.

Can’t Get Passed the Level
Unfortunately, we have to be the ones to break it to her that there are no cheat codes when it comes to parenting. If there was, we're sure that someone would have said something much sooner.
Do Not Disturb
It can be exciting when you know a delivery is supposed to arrive, but nothing's worse than the waiting game. The patience that these children and those dogs have is really astounding.

Do Not Disturb
We do have one question, though. Are the dogs waiting with the kids or are they guarding the kids so no one can bother them? Either way, this is adorable and hilarious!
There He Is!
Many kids have imaginary friends that help them get through tough times, especially when they're only children. Apparently, some of them also have imaginary pets, which is pretty cool.

There He Is!
Looking for them when they can’t be seen seems like an endless game of hide-and-seek. These parents must have the patience of saints! We would never have made it through 15 minutes let alone hours!
Everything Is Off
One of the ways to keep kids quiet nowadays is to hand them a piece of technology and let them play games on it. This keeps them out of your hair and out of things they shouldn't be getting into.

Everything Is Off
All we have to say is we hope this woman can speak Spanish and knows how to go back into the settings and fix her phone. As for the pictures, maybe she should save them. These could be worth something in the future as pieces of art.
Working the System
Kids, like some adults, have a bit of a sweet tooth and they will do anything they can to ensure they get their hands on those sugary treats. If the kids are clever, they can game the system and find themselves hitting the motherlode as this little girl did.

Working the System
This kid is well ahead of her age when it comes to figuring out how to manipulate her parents into getting what she wants. We wonder if maybe she heard her dad say this and learned it was the key to her mother's heart.
One of the funniest parts of being a kid is when you lose a tooth and get visited by that tooth fairy. After all, as an adult, we would be down to wake up and find cash under our pillow, right?

But, like with everything else, inflation has changed how much is left behind! This kid is taking it a bit too far on that inflation scale, though she does have a valid argument!
Testing it Out
Wouldn't it be wonderful to have something or someone that you could test out your ideas on before you actually did it on yourself? There would be no more bad fashion faux pas or embarrassing haircuts, right?

Testing it Out
We're not sure that it should be your children, though. That seems a little messed up. If we were this mom, we'd be sort of embarrassed that we let our child walk around with something we would never dare to wear ourselves.
Sharing Is Caring
Most kids are very generous when it comes to sharing with their friends. Still, not always do you find one that's willing to share with their parents, especially when it comes to food. This mom just got lucky, we guess!

Sharing Is Caring
There's nothing like a hot, salty fry to take all the pain away. At least that’s how we feel, and we're sure many of you understand the sentiment!
Bribery and Flattery
When you've done something wrong the first thing you need to think about is how you're gonna apologize. Some people do it with pretty words, other people do it with gifts. These kids are ahead of the game because they chose to do both.

Bribery and Flattery
We're sure that the heartfelt written apologies would have been enough but throwing in a few bucks doesn't seem to hurt at all. Though we do wonder where they got the money from!
It's a very special time in a child's growing process when they begin to form ideas of their very own. Often, these come from fantastic stories and may not be based in reality, but they can show you where your child is headed in the future.

It's clear that this kid is on the way to being a matchmaker. After all, who thinks about putting the Easter Bunny and The Tooth Fairy together. This seems like it might be a cute couple, though!
Wake Up
Sleep is a vital part of remaining healthy and mentally alert. For the first several years, many parents go through a phase of not being able to get quite enough sleep. So, when they do catch a few much-needed Z's, it's a prized gift.

Wake Up
This kid doesn't seem to understand that and really just wants to be able to share breakfast with one of their favorite people in the world. This is both cute and annoying... perhaps the most common combination when it comes to younger children.
Remember when your parents used to say you'll understand when you have kids. Though we may have scoffed at it, we do eventually understand where they're coming from. Take, for instance, this situation.

The biggest question that we have is why that eight-year-old was up at two in the morning. And why she thought it was going to be OK to text her mom at that hour. If we were her mom, we definitely wouldn't have answered.
Fertile Imagination
One thing about kids that's absolutely amazing is their wild imaginations. Because they haven't been taught that certain things aren't possible, they think everything is possible and so, they often draw things that are outrageous and tell stories that are bigger than life.

Fertile Imagination
However, we think this one probably should be a little scared because drawing this scary image could be a sign that she's dealing with a future horror movie writer. And that could lead to some pretty scary future stories she has to sit through.
It’s All Fake
Understanding the difference between reality and what's on the television screen can be challenging even for some adults. But for kids, because they haven't quite learned the difference yet, it tends to make for some pretty confusing conversations.

It’s All Fake
Still, these kids are well ahead of the game. Clearly, they're pretty logical thinkers, and the fact that they realize this means they need to be challenged a little bit more.
Just Checking
Sometimes, kids have no filter when it comes to things they say in public. This may mean that they spout out things you have told them to keep a secret. They don’t know any better, they just have something to say and know that they need to say it.

Just Checking
We would have loved to see the face of this mom when her kid blurted this out. The explanations she probably began spurting to her fellow parents might just have been as gunny as the words that came from her kid's mouth.
Keeping it Positive
As we get older, we can become more jaded. Instead of thinking about the glass being half full, we often consider it half empty. But, kids don't have that filter — they see everything through a new lens and that usually leads to a very positive outlook.

Keeping it Positive
Even so, we agree that it's probably pretty easy to be so positive when you don't have any responsibilities to actually worry about. That being said, it's best if this parent lets her kid have a positive outlook for as long as possible.
Truth Bomb
Every parent teaches their children that being physically violent is not the way to solve any problems. Sometimes, that means having discussions with them and rewarding them for not doing the negative activity.

Truth Bomb
But, just like we adults get angry, kids deal with these emotions and feelings too. We love this girl's honesty and, though we don't condone her hitting her brother, at least she was honest about it.
Teenagers are in this weird stage of life where they're not quite adults but not children either. So, sometimes they will say things that seem very adult-like and not understand that they need to read to the room. Period.

The only thing we hope is that this woman explained to her daughter exactly why she was laughing. After all, that kid didn't pay for that hairbrush right?
Straight Honesty
As adults, sometimes we end up agreeing to do things that we don't want to do because we don't want to hurt anybody's feelings. The truth is, it would be easier oftentimes to just say no and explain why you don't want to do the thing someone is asking you to do.

Straight Honesty
The beauty of being a kid though is that you haven't learned to do that yet. We love that this little girl is just so honest about their feelings when it comes to doing a little gardening.
Feel Your Feelings
It’s very sweet of this little girl to encourage her brother to feel his feelings and let them out. That being said, it’d be even sweeter if she wasn’t the one who made him cry in the first place!

Feel Your Feelings
The funniest part is that she doesn’t seem to realize she did anything wrong. She’s just focused on the fact that she’s now comforting her brother, rather than the fact that she hit him. Well, it’s a start, we suppose.
Sometimes, kids pick up phrases throughout their daily life that they don't understand quite what they mean. In fact, they often think it's funny to repeat it and use it at the most inopportune times.

We just hope this person didn't have any drink in their hand or in their mouth when their child asked them this. Because then, we're sure it would have definitely been a lovely spit take and the glass would definitely be dropping to the floor.
It's funny how quickly children pick up on things that they've been exposed to. From gestures to words, they're like little sponges and absorb everything they see here. That's why we think one of the most important things is to be careful what you do and say around your kid.

If you're not, you could wind up having to deal with a sassy little child who thinks using your favorite comeback is quite funny. Though we have to admit, hearing a five-year-old say this would be pretty funny to us.
What Do They Get?
As kids begin to grow up, they start understanding that the world around them is complicated and maybe not everything is absolutely fair. The side effects of puberty definitely fall under that.

What Do They Get?
Learning that boys and girls don't have to deal with the same things as they grow is definitely an important lesson. But, it's also a rough one. This little girl definitely managed to perfectly capture the unfairness of it all.
Just an Idea
When you're a parent you never get a day off. Finding time to sleep and enjoy the things you really enjoy is hard because you're always on the go making sure everybody else is getting to where they're supposed to be and are being taken care of.

Just an Idea
So, though it may seem like a funny idea, we can understand why this woman felt the need to put this out there for the rest of the moms. It could be a solid business idea. You better patent it.
Mom! Come On!
As you grow up, it becomes less and less cool to have your mom hanging around and doting on you. But, when you hit your teen years it becomes a whole different thing, and this is when most kids start to shy away from any type of affection.

Mom! Come On!
All we have to say is at least this was very clear on her intent. Though putting it on her Twitter feed may not have been the best place to really get that message across.
Too Many
We don’t know about you, but picture day was always super important to us. How many of you had to constantly remind your parents that they needed to pick a package and give you the money to submit it to your teacher?

Too Many
But, now as an adult, we can definitely see where this parent is coming from. Unless you have a big family, no family has that many wallets. Maybe just 20 would do!
Practicing Mindfulness
It's important to teach children how to handle stress. It’s something that many of us were taught and think about how handy it would be right now. However, this kid learned about meditation. It's a great tool to have in their arsenal.

Practicing Mindfulness
Why he has to do his meditation with a helmet on, though — that's the real question! Maybe he's just trying to shut out the world for a bit.
Eye See You
Kids see the world in a whole different way than we do as adults. Maybe that's because they haven’t been introduced to how everything works. Or maybe it's because they choose to see the world with wonder.

Eye See You
Either way, this kid definitely gets marks for being super cute and thoughtful too! After all, sometimes people forget to put their eyes in and that can be quite the problem!
Mean Shoes
Kids are still very visual learners. This may allow them to associate certain things with emotions or actions. So, this kid clearly has seen something happen when mom is wearing her heels and they weren’t always good.

Mean Shoes
We wonder what gave them the idea that these were mean shoes. This is a story we have to hear! Maybe she could tweet about that, so we have some reference to this tweet.
Doing Chores
We're sure most parents look forward to the day when they can relieve themselves of some of the household chores and have their children take charge of them. But, we're also certain that this is only after the kids have been shown how to properly do them.

Doing Chores
We think this woman should be pretty proud of her kid for taking the initiative. That's unless they did something crazy and the sheets came out a whole different color. Then, there should be a discussion.
Mother-Son Duo
There are just some kids that love to sing. They'll make up songs about anything and everything and sing them incessantly. When this first happens, we're sure it's cute but after a while, it could probably get on a person's nerves.

Mother-Son Duo
This mom's method of taking care of the problem seems to be a little childish and clearly, the kid was not in for it. On the bright side, maybe this is a way to make some money. After all, there's been plenty of mother-daughter duos in the music business, so why not a mother-son duo?
Having a kid that's off assured and feels like they have an answer to every question is not necessarily a bad thing. However, when they correct you continually, then it can be a problem.

Maybe the question that this person should ask their child is, 'How are you going to pay the bills this month?' We bet they won't have an answer for that!
Not It
Kids sometimes, especially when they're super young, identify things on a very simple basis. Men are dads and women are moms. So, sometimes you might find kids that call certain people these names without understanding the trouble they could be causing.

Not It
Though maybe this kid helped the other woman out because this guy’s reaction says that there's been something going on that could lead to some pretty serious conversations when they get home.
Another Towel
Kids don't always understand the concept of reusing or recycling. So, that may lead to them using too much of some things and not enough others, which could be annoying if you're the person cleaning up after them.

Another Towel
Maybe this mom is onto something. She can write a whole book series about teaching kids to stop doing those things that drive parents crazy! We're sure it would be a big hit and just might solve some problems.
Just a Suggestion
The relationship between siblings goes through waves of emotions. It often starts out very loving. Somewhere in the middle, it becomes quite contentious. Then, eventually, it equals out to love again.

Just a Suggestion
Depending on how old this boy is, we're sure that this girl is just trying to be helpful. There are times in a young boy's life where deodorant is not a bad gift at all.
We have to admit — this is a pretty genius way for the kid to get away with shouting. However, as most plans that children come up with, it’s only good in the short term.

Now, this child will either have to commit to shouting for the rest of his life, or admit that he lied and knew he was yelling. Something tells us that the latter is what’s going to happen. Either that or the OP is gonna need to buy a lot of earplugs!
A Lovely Sticker
Art is subjective and there’s no reason to believe that this unique sticker isn’t a bold and modern piece of art. In fact, given what sells for millions these days, we wouldn’t be surprised if we saw this in a museum.

A Lovely Sticker
We have no doubt that this kid’s dad absolutely loved his card and got a good laugh from that one “sticker.” Hey, we can’t argue with this kid’s logic! It certainly functions like a sticker and it fits on the card. We see no problem here.
Dogo’s Makeover
Any time a child is gone for a while and seems to be quiet, one should be suspicious. Well, it turns out that this kid thought the family dog needed a makeover. We have to say — that the glittery pink nails do look great on this pup!

Dogo’s Makeover
The fact that the dog stayed there, waiting patiently while the child was painting its nails, just shows that this is not its first time playing this game.
Representation Is Important
It’s incredibly sweet that this little boy sees himself in this image and that he wants to hug his other self. We’d want to hug our diaper package counterparts, too! This shows the importance of representation — in the most adorable way possible.

Representation Is Important
Something tells us that this kid’s parents are going to have to stick to this diaper brand from now on. Let’s just hope that the company doesn’t change the model on the package!
Oops… Mom Fail
Even the best mothers in the world are guilty of having “mom fail” moments every now and then. That’s what happened here when the OP accidentally spit sunflower seeds all over her daughter.

Oops… Mom Fail
Hey, kids spill all sorts of stuff on their parents, so it’s kind of karma. Hopefully, the OP managed to clean her daughter up before she woke up from her nap. And maybe she’s learned her lesson about aimlessly spitting sunflower seeds out of the window.
Playing the Part
It’s sweet that this little kid thought of her mom while watching a Disney movie. That being said, it may have been better if one of the princesses reminded her of her mother. At least she’s thinking about mom, though!

Playing the Part
Truthfully, we don’t think the OP should take this personally. We assume that the kid just wanted to be the princess herself and could only think of one role left for her mom to play. We don’t think this actually means that mama looks like a beast or sea witch.
A Migraine of Children
There are different names for different groups of things. You have a murder of crows, a gaggle of geese, a pack of wolves, and a migraine of children. Yes, as the OP states, a group of kids is called a “migraine.”

A Migraine of Children
We think that even the most maternal person would have to admit that this description is kind of true. So, what would a group of moms be called? A management of moms?
A Future Drama Queen
Um, is this kid secretly Lea Michele? We get that Evan wants to go outside but isn’t this a bit much? We’re kind of curious to see how he intends to execute this plan, though. What does “break the family” even mean?

A Future Drama Queen
Physically? Emotionally? Financially? Because kids, by nature, kind of do all those things anyway. Have you ever met a set of parents of young children who weren’t physically, emotionally, and financially depleted? Maybe this kid needs to come up with even more ominous threats!
Over It
This child is completely over it. He’s seen what life has to offer for seven minutes, and that was enough to realize that he’s not interested. Truthfully, that’s the look most adults get on their faces when their boss asks them to work overtime.

Over It
It’s like this kid’s mom said, “Okay, time to be born!” — and the baby responded with this face of, “Seriously?” We already know the perfect pet for this hilarious child. Grumpy Cat!
Knock, Knock. Who’s There?
Was this some sort of knock-knock joke gone wrong? Or was this kid genuinely concerned that his mom didn’t know who was knocking at the door? We have to applaud his manners, though. Mama clearly taught him well!

Knock, Knock. Who’s There?
Now, if only he’d learned not to disturb people while they’re in the bathroom — that’d be even better. At least mom knows that it’s not a serial killer politely tapping on the door. It’s just her seven-year-old son.
Parenting Defined
When you're someone who has never had kids, it might be hard to understand what parenting is like. Though we're sure depending on the parent you ask, you'll get a ton of different answers and all of them have one thing in common.

Parenting Defined
We're sure any parents reading this tweet took a deep breath and felt like someone really got them. But, if you're someone who doesn't have kids, this might just deter you from the whole process!
Can I See Your Credentials?
All parents talk about how important education is to get a good job with their kids. So, it's not surprising that sometimes the kids flip it around on them and ask exactly how they got their job of being a parent.

Can I See Your Credentials?
This girl is so cute when she talks about getting enough practice. But, the truth is, we don't care how many hours that mom spent hugging and cradling a doll. It never prepares you for the real thing.
Not Us
Kids think they can get away with just about anything. Why they think they won't get caught doing certain things is beyond us but apparently, they have a pretty good idea of how to get out of trouble. They simply use plausible deniability.

Not Us
However, it doesn't always work, especially when you sign in with a username like this. This is clearly not an adult that's been playing games on this phone. And if it is, then it's time to re-evaluate who you've decided to choose as a partner.
How Dare You!
There are just some kids that are super self-sufficient and are happy to be independent. They like to do things by themselves and not have any help even from people they love like their mom.

How Dare You!
What's really great about this little one is that they have already figured out how to calm themselves when having a meltdown. That's a vital skill they will use very often in the future and hopefully they can maintain it well into adulthood.
No Fear
There are two types of kids — the ones that react poorly to having an injury and those that take it in stride and are proud to show it off. Though if we were a parent, we might be scared if it was the second one because that might make them a little bit more adventurous and more of a daredevil. It also makes it easier to take care of.

No Fear
This kid has no fear and that's a great thing in most scenarios. Though someone should tell him that not everybody in the world is as fearless as he is.
40+ Examples of ‘Nice Guys’ Exposing Their True Colors
Word of warning — when someone tells you they’re a “nice guy,” take it with a pinch of salt. The thing is, the type of man that calls himself a nice guy rarely is. Take a look at these examples of nice guys exposing their true colors.
A Nice Charming Alpha Male
First up is this monster of a nice guy, who has been texting a girl and thinks that he’s a better match for her than her boyfriend. He then gets in touch with this woman’s boyfriend to politely ask if they could break up but quickly changes once he’s confronted.

A Nice Charming Alpha Male
She Just Gives Me Worms
This next nice guy message is a real rollercoaster. It starts off with the nice guy in question claiming that he’s moved on and is with another partner. Fine, sounds good. However, he then says that he loves his ex, and tells her that she’ll always be his soulmate. Not so good.

She Just Gives Me Worms
In yet another twist, this nice guy then tells his ex that he wishes she were dead. We can’t imagine receiving such an unpleasant and confusing text message. Just keep it to yourself!
I Guess I’m Cursed
For some reason, when some men aren’t successful with dating, they decide it’s because women are awful. These men say that women only go for bad boys, and that they don’t appreciate what’s in front of them. Most of all, they cry about how nice they are, and how mean, nasty women hate niceness.

I Guess I’m Cursed
This person went on Facebook to claim that his niceness was a curse preventing him from getting girls. Thankfully, someone pointed out the real issue.
Do You Ever Respond?
Starting a conversation on a dating app can be a tense thing. Do you start with a joke? A simple hello? Perhaps you could ask something related to their bio. Ideally, whatever you say, the other person won’t immediately take offense and insult you.

Do You Ever Respond?
This nice guy started his conversation by asking if the other person ever responds to messages. She then playfully replied by rating his opening line, and suddenly Mr. Nice Guy lost his temper. See ya!
Not So Nice After All
This post shows a tough pill to swallow — the fact that girls and women do like nice boys and men, but they actually have to be nice. Like, properly nice, not just fake nice in order to get things.

Not So Nice After All
A nice guy responded to this meme saying that the girls agreeing with this were the type “that keep guys in the friendzone.” Then, when called out, they denied being exactly the sort of person the post is about. Sigh.
It’s the Females’ Fault
We’ll let you in on a little secret — when someone refers to women as “females,” it’s not usually a good sign. Saying “females” sort of sounds like women are animals, or some sort of science project. To get all grammatical about it, it’s a describing word, not a noun.

It’s the Females’ Fault
All this to say, we knew this guy was bad news before we even finished reading his tweet. This nice guy claims that women just don’t want to with men with good jobs that treat them well. Yeah…
I Can Make Facebook Forever
If someone sent someone else multiple messages even though they never responded, would that make them nice? What about if that same person kept calling, even though the other person never ever picked up. Does that sound nice to you?

I Can Make Facebook Forever
Or, what if that person said they would come by your work if you didn’t eventually respond to their barrage of messages and calls? Nice? We don’t think so! Ridiculously, this person calls himself a “nice guy” despite harassing and threatening to stalk someone.
I Wanted to Be a Decent Guy
This next post is a pretty grizzly account of one woman’s terrible date with a so-called nice guy. This guy said everything he was supposed to say, making this situation even scarier. Then, when his date wouldn’t come home with him, he turned vicious.

I Wanted to Be a Decent Guy
Appallingly, this not-so-nice guy actually said out loud that he “only wanted one thing.” Thankfully, this lady escaped and was wise enough to block her horrible date right away.
I Treated Her Too Good
Here we have a nice guy crossed with a humble-bragger. In this conversation, a guy tells a girl that he keeps losing girlfriends because he’s simply too good. Apparently, all of his exes have cheated on or dumped him, and all because he’s been too great of a boyfriend. Does that sound correct?

I Treated Her Too Good
This responder is doing G-d's work with her final reply. She tells this humble-bragger that there’s no such thing as treating someone so well that they leave you.
I'm Just a Nobody
If you’re a gentleman that wishes to text a lady, may we suggest being upfront about your reasons? You see, if – like this man – you pretend to want a “private gig” with a musician, they might think you actually want a private gig. This is because musicians (and artists, and models) are professionals, and not just people to date.

I'm Just a Nobody
This person claims to be a nobody merely speaking to a “beautiful woman.” However, when she turns him down, he starts calling her spiteful names.
It's What You Deserve
We admit that these messages make us chuckle, asides from the nasty names and mind games. This nice guy texted someone and went on to ask if she still had a boyfriend. When she said yes, the guy claimed she was basically cheating and shouldn’t be texting him at all.

It's What You Deserve
Even more ridiculously, this nice guy then claimed to be so mad because he was “looking out for a bro.” Apparently, replying politely to a message is leading boys on “for the thrill.”
You Literally Just Said It
Entertainer Taylor Swift is pretty great at shutting down chauvinism. The star has faced plenty of it since she first appeared on the country scene, and is ready and able to clap back when she needs to.

You Literally Just Said It
As you can see from this photo set, when a nice guy referred to himself as a nice guy in front of the star, she called him out on it. In response, the guy in question denied ever saying that he was a nice guy. How exhausting!
Most Guys Wouldn't Warn
Hold onto your horses, folks, because this is an embarrassing and offensive post. Here, a supposed nice guy asks an Asian person about her body parts, specifically in relation to her race. When she asks why on Earth he would ask such a thing, he simply continues with his racist nonsense.

Most Guys Wouldn't Warn
Then, as you might expect, this nice guy reminds the woman just how much of a nice guy he is. Apparently, a less nice guy wouldn’t have warned her in advance.
An Admirer, Not a Creep
For those lucky enough not to know, website Ask.fm is a site where people ask each other questions. Importantly, at least in the early stages, the site was completely anonymous. This led to all sorts of weird questions, bullying situations, and school scandals.

An Admirer, Not a Creep
This nice guy went online to complain that someone on Ask.fm called him a “creep.” According to him, he’s simply an admirer. We have to say, it’s best not to ask weird questions to women online.
Please Don't Block Me
Sadly, it’s pretty common practice for men to get women’s numbers or social media details and contact them randomly. Rather than strike up a conversation or explain why they’re in touch, these men start highly inappropriate and uncomfortable conversations.

Please Don't Block Me
I Am a Mortal Man
Ah, what do we say about our next post? This person may think that their ye olde spiel is somehow charming to the lady he’s texting (or should we say, Enchantress?). However, they would be wrong.

I Am a Mortal Man
This wishy-washy fairytale attempt at asking someone out presents this guy as some sort of sinner begging an enchantress for her time. We think it would just be easier to ask if she wanted to get coffee instead.
Leave Her Alone
This post from a misguided nice guy looks like it’s going down on some sort of message board. This conversation, amusingly between two accounts named Inferno and DruidMagic, shows someone trying to talk someone else out of behaving ridiculously towards a woman.

Leave Her Alone
You see, Inferno wants to come up with some sort of grand gesture to impress a girl that’s with someone else. However, DruidMagic wisely tells him that she isn’t his property and can make her own decisions. Wonderful!
Your Free Spirit Experimental Phase
There’s a certain brand of nice guy that thinks that queer women simply haven’t met the right man. The man who sent these messages certainly thinks that he would make a better partner for his LGBTQ+ friend. He claims that she’s too attractive to “turn to women for a romantic connection.”

Your Free Spirit Experimental Phase
Just to confirm that he’s the absolute worst, this nice guy finishes his pitch by insulting his friend’s age. He doesn’t have much time to wait, you see, because she might not be “viable” for long.
The Fax of Life
Thankfully, plenty of women refuse to deal with nice guy behavior when they experience it in the wild. This woman got several missed video calls from someone, and made it very clear that she wasn’t interested at all. In response, this guy states the obvious — “you hate everything about me.”

The Fax of Life
This nice guy then accuses this woman of preferring “Daddy” types over nice guy types. She simply responds with “Fax” and then follows up with the hilarious “Fax (2).”
I’ll Never Text You Again
Horrendously, our next nice guy tried to hit on someone when her boyfriend had just passed away. When she asked him to stop, he claimed he would never text her again, which is exactly what she wanted in the first place.

I’ll Never Text You Again
Whoever sent these messages is clearly very immature. When this grieving girl tells them to stop, he says that he hopes that he also dies so that she cares about him. Considering the serious subject matter, this is truly terrible.
Could You Reconsider?
A central part of the nice guy persona is refusing to take no for an answer. In fact, many nice guys wear this as a badge of pride. In reality, when someone says no, that is the final answer. After all, surely you want the person dating or hooking up with you to be enthusiastic about it!

Could You Reconsider?
As this meme shows, it’s very common for men to not really listen to what a woman has to say. They often try to convince them anyway.
I Expect Some Gratitude
For some reason, many men seem to think that leaving comments on women’s pictures is a good way of getting their attention. However, when women receive messages from men they don’t know online, they immediately block them. This is doubly true if the comments in question are creepy in any way.

I Expect Some Gratitude
This supposed nice guy complimented someone’s outfit, then got mad that they didn’t thank him for the comment. Sorry pal — that’s not how the internet works.
A Momentary Reprieve
While we’re up to our ears in nice guys, let’s take a break and see what happens when a nice guy grows up. That’s right — it is possible for nice guys to grow, evolve, and realize that their earlier behaviors were kind of creepy.

A Momentary Reprieve
This poster went online to share that he used to resent women when he was younger. However, on reflection, he now realizes that he wore a silk shirt and looked a little grimy. Maybe it’s as simple as that!
They’re Afraid to Lose Me
For what it’s worth, the whole idea of a friendzone is deeply flawed. You see, if a girl likes you, then you’ll get together. And if she doesn’t, you won’t. There’s no purgatory or limbo where you can work really hard at being a friend and then graduate into the boyfriend category. That’s just not it.

They’re Afraid to Lose Me
This Whisper post shows a nice guy complaining that his female friends won’t date him because they’re afraid to lose him. That’s just not it.
I’m a Bit Worried
Here’s an opening line that leaves a little to be desired. This nice guy decided to message someone and immediately say that he was worried about dating her. In fact, he said he was worried about it before he’d even asked her out, or checked that she was interested at all.

I’m a Bit Worried
When this single mom decided she would pass, Mr. Nice Guy decided to age shame her and tell her no one would want her. A likely story.
Nice Guys Always Finish Last
Our next post could send shivers down the spines of millions of women. You see, while ‘simp’ used to just mean ‘a silly person,’ thanks to the internet, it now means something else. ‘Simp’ is an insult for a man who does too much for a woman he likes, and is too submissive towards them.

Nice Guys Always Finish Last
This post is from a self-proclaimed simp who admits to gaslighting women and asking women why they didn’t reply. To finish, they ask why nice guys always finish last.
Your Legs Look Really Cute
Imagine being a woman casually posting a joking picture of a cup of tea her boyfriend made her. Then, all of a sudden, someone is in your comments telling you that they would make a way better boyfriend. By the end of the message, this person is accusing your boyfriend of mistreating you, and you of mistreating nice guys. What?!

Your Legs Look Really Cute
There's a lot going on in this message, but one of the weirdest things has to be when they say “your hands/legs look really cute.”
A Kiss for a Nose
Hey, there’s nothing wrong with learning about a historical nice guy. As this post states, back in 1837, there was a so-called nice guy who thought it was alright to kiss a woman without her consent. As a result, she bit off half of his nose.

A Kiss for a Nose
When Thomas Saverland sued Catherine Newton, the judge ruled on the side of Newton. The newspaper reports for this case show that Saverland saw the kiss as a challenge, as Newtown declared she wouldn’t kiss anyone while her beau was away.
Did You Hear Me?
Did you know that women are made of sugar, spice, and everything nice? They’re stuffed with cotton candy and when they aren’t looking pretty for men, they’re making sure everything is clean and tidy. Such simple creatures, women.

Did You Hear Me?
That seems to be what this nice guy thinks, as he declares it’s “disgusting” to hear that a woman was peeing. Hey, we thought that women were supposed to be the fragile ones. Thankfully, this woman taught him a lesson.
Don’t Make Him Uncomfortable
Ok, so this is a weird one. In this post, we have the nice guy mindset infecting what could be a perfectly charming dance. This sheet of dance rules (inexplicably printed in multiple fonts) keeps telling girls to think of boys before themselves.

Don’t Make Him Uncomfortable
Apparently, the girls attending this dance should make sure their male dance partners aren’t uncomfortable with their outfits. Worse still, it tells the girls to “never say ‘no’” when a boy asks you to dance. Eek!
I Put Up With Her
This wonderful post perfectly explains the issue with the whole idea of a friend zone. You see, when someone is your friend, you hang out, you share details of your lives, and hopefully, you support each other. When you’re in a romantic partnership, you might do the same, and have a physical relationship.

I Put Up With Her
This nice guy is complaining that the girl he likes treats him like a friend. Apparently, she should only be allowed to do that if she also hooks up with him. So nice!
I Take it Back!
It’s sad that some boys are so insecure, they can’t just give someone a compliment. After all, it’s perfectly alright to say that you like someone’s clothing style, as long as that’s all you’re doing. However, if you’re trying to get something along with your compliment, then it’s tainted.

I Take it Back!
This guy was so insecure when a girl didn’t respond to his compliment that he quickly took it back. Hilariously, a few hours later, he came to his senses.
Welcome to Stardew Valley
You know, nice guys are everywhere, even in video games. This Snapchat user was playing farming RPG Stardew Valley when the blacksmith, Clint, introduced himself as a “nice guy.” He even insists that you just need to get to know him.

Welcome to Stardew Valley
Other famous fictional nice guys include Ross Gellar from Friends, Ted Moseby from How I Met Your Mother, Seth Cohen from The O.C., and Tom Hansen from 500 Days of Summer. None of these guys are as nice as they insist.
Tale as Old as Time
For too long, it’s been seen as acceptable for much older men to date younger women. Usually, when the women get a little bit older, they reveal that the relationship was inappropriate, or creepy, or simply not what they would choose now.

Tale as Old as Time
Alas, American musician Moby claimed that he once dated Israeli-American actress Natalie Portman, despite a 16-year age gap. When Portman heard about this, she was surprised, saying that he was just an older, creepy man.
The Problem With Women
Bumble is often referred to as “the feminist Tinder” as it requires women to start the conversation. This means that women aren’t as inundated with creepy and unwanted opening messages from men as they usually would be. However, this can also mean that women are judged on their opening gambits.

The Problem With Women
This woman simply said “hey” to an online match, and he decided to hit her with a pretty heavy critique. Apparently, just saying “hey” is “the problem with women these days.”
Theory Confirmed: Women Suck
For more online misogyny, check out our next nice guy post. This person told someone that he loved them multiple times by text message, but also included a violent confession that we sincerely hope isn’t true.

Theory Confirmed: Women Suck
When the woman he was messaging was rightfully outraged by the unsettling message, this guy seized on her doubt. Apparently, that was all the evidence he needed that “women only focus on the bad things.” That’s some stellar logic.
With Quivering Voice
We’d be willing to bet quite a bit of money that most women aren’t into the idea of a “quivering voice.” Despite this, this nice guy dropped into someone’s DMs to tell them “with quivering voice” that he would make her a sandwich. After that terrible opener, he then asked her out.

With Quivering Voice
To put the cherry on top of this series of disastrous nice guy messages, this guy then said that rejecting him would be discrimination. It’s probably best to avoid this approach.
Not All Men
The phrase “Not All Men” became a meme in 2014 when women started making fun of men who always replied, “Not all men.” For example, when a woman would tweet about how men catcall them, multiple men would reply saying “not all men.” Of course, the tweet never meant “all men” — just masculine culture.

Not All Men
This Reddit commenter jumped onto someone’s break-up post to tell them that "not all men" are like the cheater they were with. Hilariously, the original post was written by a man.
I Don't Make Threats
Just as a heads up, this message contains some pretty awful content. These are messages between a couple, where the boyfriend is insulting and demeaning his girlfriend. Shockingly, the messages show that the boyfriend lied and told his girlfriend’s cousin that she was in a car accident. What is going on here?!

I Don't Make Threats
Thankfully, these messages have a happy ending. The girlfriend in question declares that this behavior is wrong and blocks him. Boy, bye.
Too Good to Be True
Up next is a story told in two tweets. Firstly, a girl excitedly tweeted that her friend had come over with ice cream and food since she wasn’t feeling great. However, shortly after, she quote tweeted herself revealing that he tried to kiss her.

Too Good to Be True
As we’ve said, it’s cool to want to kiss someone, but you should be upfront about it, and listen to the answer. You should not treat someone well in the hopes they’ll reward you with a kiss.
I Noticed I Was Blocked
It’s hard for us to imagine a mindset where we would send a message like this. Clearly, something has gone down, and this poster has been constantly contacting someone who isn’t responding. Rather than just letting it be, they somehow continue trying to contact them.

I Noticed I Was Blocked
This is the social media equivalent of poking someone in the shoulder over and over again even though they never turn around. We have no idea why this person can’t just take the hint.
Do Better, Boys
Here’s a nice guy meta post to make you smile. This meme shows what happens when a guy thinks something is going well, but later finds himself labeled a nice guy online. As with most things, discussion site Reddit has a subreddit dedicated to screenshots of nice guys doing their worst.

Do Better, Boys
Maybe if you see yourself on r/niceguys, it’s time to take a closer look and find out why that behavior is considered creepy in the first place.
Why Is it So Unfair?
This post basically encapsulates the whole mentality of a nice guy. According to this mindset, when you give a woman the world, she’ll take advantage of you or leave you. Is it just us or do plenty of women end up in healthy relationships with men who treat them well?

Why Is it So Unfair?
Furthermore, this post claims that if you don’t like a woman, she’ll do anything for you. It sounds to us like this person has pretty limited dating experience.
The Incels Say So
Unsurprisingly, lots of self-proclaimed nice guys either are or go on to become incels. This is an online subculture where people define themselves as being unable to get a partner, and where they often come up with ways to blame women for their lack of relationships.

The Incels Say So
These tweets are typical of incel beliefs. According to these nice guys, women won’t “sacrifice themselves” to raise children, and don’t know what’s best for them. Apparently, this is all women’s own fault. Cool.
I'll Make You Famous
Finally, we close out our list of nice guys exposing their true colors with this exchange. Here, a woman very politely and maturely tells a guy that she doesn’t want to date any longer because she’s not really feeling a spark. She wishes him luck, but says she doesn’t want to waste his time.

I'll Make You Famous
Apparently, this nice guy doesn’t take rejection very well. He immediately posted her message online and threatened to make her the most hated person in the city. Dude, chill!
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